> Transaction Advisory

Transaction Advisory

Merger / Demerger

Merger / Demerger

In Merger one or more Company get merged into other Company. Merger can be of following types:

  • Vertical Merger
  • Horizontal Merger
  • Conglomerate Merger

In Demerger a Company hive off one or more of its business undertaking into resulting Companies.

Merger and demerger are the tools for unlocking value of the Company and helps in corporate planning.

At Fintellectual Advisors we help the clients in Pre-Merger Due Diligence, structuring the Merger Scheme, Conducting Valuation for Swap Ratio, Getting appropriate approvals from stock exchange, Registrar of Companies, Regional Director, Official Liquidators, National Company law Tribunal, Post Merger Accounting and Post Merger integration.

Takeovers / Open Offer

In takeover Acquirer acquires control of the target Company through share purchase. In case of listed Company Acquirer has to make open offer for acquiring the control in listed target Company. In India the takeover of the listed Company is governed by SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations 2018. At Fintellectual we have the team having rich experience in Structuring and Executing the Open Offers.

Buy Back

In Buy Back Company purchases its own shares from the shareholders of the Company. Company resort to buyback for following reasons:

When Shares of the Company are thinly traded and undervalued
Company has excess Cash but not enough opportunities to invest
Consolidation of Promoters Holding

Fintellectual has the team of professionals having in-depth understanding of the concept and experience in executing buyback exercise.

Inbound Investment Advisory

India is an attractive investment destination attracting lot of Foreign Direct Investment. It is important for a foreign Investor to understand regulatory frame work for such Investment. At Fintellectual we offer following services to foreign Investors:

  • Advising on the appropriate Business structure for entering Indian Markets
  • Structuring the Investment from Taxation and Forex Laws prospective
  • Advising on required documentations and Regulatory approvals from various Government Departments

Outbound Investment Advisory

Due to globalization businesses are engaged in cross border transactions. Indian Laws permit Indian Investors to make investment in overseas Companies Joint Ventures, Branch Offices etc. Indian regulations also permit Indian Business houses to setup business and get listed on oversea stock exchanges: At Fintellectual we offer following Outbound Investment Advisory services:

  • Advising on choosing favourable destination for Investment and Business setup
  • Advising on the appropriate form of Business setup
  • Structuring the Investment from Taxation and Forex Laws prospective
  • Advising on required documentations and Regulatory approvals from various Government Departments
  • Advising on the process of listing on overseas Stock Exchanges application outsourcing and business process outsourcing. 

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For any queries & complaints, feel free to contact:

  • Compliance Officer: Mr. Amit Puri at +91-120-4266080 or at investors@fintellectualadvisors.com
  • If not satisfied with response, you can seek redressal of complaint with SEBI at http://scores.gov.inor you dial toll free helpline number of SEBI at 18002667575/ 1800227575. Additionally, you may also visit to https://smartodr.in/login

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