
Investor Charter

> Investor Charter

Investor Charter

01.Initial Public Offer (IPO) and Further Public Offer (FPO) including Offer for Sale (OFS)

02.Rights Issue

03.Qualified Institutions Placement (QIP)

04.Preferntial Issue

05.SME IPO and FPO including OFS

06.Buyback of Securities

07.Delisting of Equity Shares

08.Substantial Acquisation of shares and Takeover final

09.Public Issue of Debt Securities

10.Public Issue of Non- Convertible Redeemable Preference Shares NCRPS

11.Private Placement of Non Convertible Securities

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For any queries & complaints, feel free to contact:

  • Compliance Officer: Mr. Amit Puri at +91-120-4266080 or at investors@fintellectualadvisors.com
  • If not satisfied with response, you can seek redressal of complaint with SEBI at http://scores.gov.inor you dial toll free helpline number of SEBI at 18002667575/ 1800227575. Additionally, you may also visit to https://smartodr.in/login

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